The Idea
Bringing the people and outdoor wilderness together is what the essence of the company was founded on. There is more time for reflection and adventure with the knowledge of where you are and where you are heading on the back of your hand. Maps display geographic features in a graphical representation of an artistic interpretation. The cartographer takes data at hand and generates supporting layers they feel is important. Their knowledge and resulting maps is for the consumer to consume and utilize.
100% Handmade
These maps are generated by American hands and minds, using the highest quality data in the world. Data created by NASA, USGS, BLM, and many other Federal Agencies are utilized and integrated bringing the power of data to the palm of your hand.
Style & Quality
Base Layers are kept as simple as possible. Background location and geographic markers are there when you need them, but blend away to the backing when you don't. Topical layers provides the information up front. Integrated into an application that gives you location marking with photographic and textual labeling. The highest quality maps at the most affordable prices. Including a black collar for increased eye relief and mobile performance. Sample free maps for download and trial are available.
Click on the link for the Spirited Republic Maps download page. Avenza Mobile Application
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
Like the Colorado River cutting through millions of years of horizontally laid strata. One day at a time, changing the landscape to better understand how the landscape changes us.